/posts/ 2024/six-months-on

Six Months On

Jul 17, 2024

I don’t like sharing a lot of details of my personal life, but from time to time I feel the need to ‘shout out into the ether’, not to be heard, but almost as a way of personally processing what i’m experiencing. It almost feels like a small extension of Getting Things Done to get it off my mind, even if absolutely nobody read it.

I’ve gone past the 6 month mark since my health issues, and while i’m better i’m still adjusting to my new life. I live now with a lot of anxiety about a possible recurrence, even though I’ve been told by numerous professionals that if I keep my weight down and my diet relatively healthy I should be fine. Again i’m reminded of a comment made by a nurse in the days following:

“the physical injury will heal a lot quicker than the mental one”

I’m still thinking about how long I have left when I should be thinking about what to do next. I’m hoping in another six months my outlook has changed, but for the moment it still feels like a shadow over my head.

After all this time I’m still struggling, and it feels good to admit that. I’m surrounded by some of the most wonderfully supportive people I’ve ever had, most of who would kick down my door at a moment’s notice to come help.