/posts/ 2020/the-shopdisney-problem

ShopDisney's Problems in a Lockdown world

Aug 11, 2020

Note: the issues outlined below are resolved, this was originally posted 2020-06-09 on another site.

ShopDisney is suffering from a bot problem. With the parks and stores shut, Disney now sell limited edition items through the ShopDisney website, in the past, the stock has been equally split between the stores and online to avoid a single location being the only marketplace for the items. Since lockdown has begun, the technical collectors have worked out the best way to game the ShopDisney website to access limited edition items before everyone else.

Today, I aim to make this information a little more public to allow Disney to consider fixing it.

So we have the following facts of how ShopDisney works:

Interested parties could for example:

After a few hours, it is possible to discover a slew of items that will be available shortly on ShopDisney. Others have reported that the XHR-based shopping basket system trusts the client when adding items to the basket. You won’t be able to checkout the basket items, but with popular items, the few seconds you’ll save by having the items in your basket already will give you a significant advantage.