/posts/ 2014/new-project-woes

New Project Woes

Feb 2, 2014


Warning: This post was written 3915 days ago, and may contain incorrect information, outdated opinions, and incorrect language due to my age at the time. Opinions in this post are not representative of who I am as a person today.

Finding a new project is hard. Very hard. Since i’ve stopped playing EVE Online ( i’ve found it very difficult to come with new development ideas. In recent months i’ve padded my time with some smaller projects and ideas but usually lost my drive behind them within a few weeks. So what to do?

This weekend i’ve been thinking of a few things that slow down my workflow, either time tracking, task planning or something to that nature. For a long time i’ve used Dave Seah’s ( Emergent Task Timer ( to track my time usage in work, for a while I tried the Flash app but it didn’t really worked how I wanted it. After a while I ended up going offline with Dave’s excellent templates ( and i’ve been a happy user for well over three months.

So the idea popped into my head to make a persistent, online ETT that allows for some quick exporting into a format I can use for my timesheets in work, but after a while I decided how much time would I have to spend to improve the paper system that Dave has honed over a long time? Especially now that he has expanded onto Amazon and selling pre-printed notepads ( of his ETP sheet.

The next idea was to create a CLI for Trello (, and after about five minutes I realised its already a heavily done solution (, fine no Go or Python client, but still done quite a bit. So here I am, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for the next idea to pop into my head.