/posts/ 2008/liverpool-lug-talk

Liverpool LUG Talk

Dec 4, 2008


Warning: This post was written 5924 days ago, and may contain incorrect information, outdated opinions, and incorrect language due to my age at the time. Opinions in this post are not representative of who I am as a person today.

So, I finally got around to giving a talk at LivLUG (, anyone who knows me will know i’m not the best public speaker in the world and I get quite nervous at the thought. It was time to grab the bull by the horns and actually do it!

My first talk was on the usage of the Wiimote within Linux, The Wiimote are very simple Bluetooth device that can be accessed over the standard APIs with an additional library called CWiid ( This allows the device to be used as an input device or as a general I/O device.

It’s quite hard to explain it in just text alone, So I’ve put my presentation on the LivLUG wiki ( for everyone to have a look at. I recommend you grab it and give it a try yourself.

EDIT: Yes, It’s on the wiki now, but here is the direct link (