/posts/ 2008/liverpool-lug-lists

Liverpool LUG Lists

Sep 1, 2008


Warning: This post was written 6018 days ago, and may contain incorrect information, outdated opinions, and incorrect language due to my age at the time. Opinions in this post are not representative of who I am as a person today.

I posted a few days ago about the creation of an administration list for all those who are interested in putting a helping hand into the LUG. The idea seems to have gone down well so I’ve took the next step and setup the list on our new hosting server; Ringo. If your interested in helping out, signup for the mailing list. It’s currently on moderated signup as I want to keep an eye on who signs up, as that way I’ll know who they are and be able to prod them if they go idle. Please remember, the admin list is for LUG administration only, the banter will still remain on the main LUG list. On a side note, I just want to bring people up to speed with what we’re able to offer as a LUG, we can offer some personal hosting, email address and shell access. If you are interested just drop a mail to