/posts/ 2008/eeepc-experimentation

EeePC Experimentation

Oct 11, 2008


Warning: This post was written 5854 days ago, and may contain incorrect information, outdated opinions, and incorrect language due to my age at the time. Opinions in this post are not representative of who I am as a person today.

I’ve been using Debian on my EeePC 701 since I got it, I think the original Xandros lasted a whole two hours or so. Over the last few days i’ve been bugged by 2.6.26 issues and various XServer issues, time for a change.

Over the next few weeks it’s my plan to experiment with a few EeePC tailored distributions, much in the same way Dan did. My first distro of choice is Zeee, which is a customised version of Zenwalk. I’ve heard good things about Zenwalk, so now is my time to experience it.

So, I’ll post a follow-up tomorrow.